Potentially dangerous rule from rear standing position

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Potentially dangerous rule from rear standing position

Postby aacoach70 » Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:05 am

Doesn't this arm trapped/potentially dangerous rule make a mat return relatively simple and could eliminate some of the quick stall calls that the offensive wrestler receives from this position? Trap one arm, and by rule, the official puts him back down on the mat for you. We'll take that every time. Trapping an arm or a two-on-one on a standing wrestler is automatic for many of us. This rule just makes it tougher for the man that has gotten to his feet to finish his escape and I don't like it. I know it's thought to be for safety, but the rule is a bad one in my opinion.

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Re: Potentially dangerous rule from rear standing position

Postby guard0544 » Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:19 am

Certainly a big benefit to the wrestler on top. Im sure the feeling was the illegal slam penalty wasnt being enough of a deterrent to prevent occurring injuries...and this a chance for the ref to step in and stop the circumstance in which the wrestler has the most at risk (trapped arm) before it gets to a point where we have to rely on the opponent to safely return him to the mat. I personally do not like the rule. But, its not too big of a deal. Plenty of wrestlers will still trap the arm and return the guy to the mat. As long as its done quickly the ref probably wont spot it and stop it before the return.
Last edited by guard0544 on Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Potentially dangerous rule from rear standing position

Postby Sally » Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:30 am

I see both sides. I like that the rule is for the safety of the wrestler. Coach70 makes a good point for the offensive wrestler as well.

One rule I would like to see applied by officials more is the Illegal Slam. This rule is very subjective in my opinion. What is unnecessary force and does each official measure it the same? The rule puts the officials in a tough spot, not to mention the wrestler who is not returned safely. At least the new rule has clearly defined its application, "1 or 2 arms being trapped while in the standing position."

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Re: Potentially dangerous rule from rear standing position

Postby grapple158 » Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:41 pm

The National Federation rule is that to be potentially dangerous, there has to be a lift in the rear standing position with an arm trapped. This is what Ohio follows. WV made the rule on application which, while safer, complicates the intent of the new rule.

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Re: Potentially dangerous rule from rear standing position

Postby SingleLegTrump » Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:50 pm

grapple158 wrote:The National Federation rule is that to be potentially dangerous, there has to be a lift in the rear standing position with an arm trapped. This is what Ohio follows. WV made the rule on application which, while safer, complicates the intent of the new rule.


From the NFHS rule book: Rule 7 Section 2 Article 2 "potentially dangerous holds/maneuvers include: ...g. When a wrestler stands with one or both arms trapped"
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Re: Potentially dangerous rule from rear standing position

Postby mscoach90 » Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:02 pm

My question is will the wrestler who traps one or both arms repeatedly, be warned for stalling?

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Re: Potentially dangerous rule from rear standing position

Postby mscoach90 » Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:13 pm

In West Virginia and Illinois, in the rear standing position:
If a wrestler has one or two arms trapped, it shall be stopped immediately for
being potentially dangerous to protect the wrestler whose arm(s) are trapped
from serious injury. All other potentially dangerous situations, where one or
two arms are trapped, are up to the official's discretion. He can stop it
immediately, delay the call, or not call it if he believes the wrestler is
not in jeopardy of being injured.
Note: If the referee feels the defensive wrestler is intentionally forcing his arm
under the rear standing wrestler's arm to have the matched stopped, the
referee shall penalize the defensive wrestler with "Unsportsmanlike
Dr. Bill Welker
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Re: Potentially dangerous rule from rear standing position

Postby guard0544 » Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:23 pm

mscoach90 wrote:My question is will the wrestler who traps one or both arms repeatedly, be warned for stalling?

I hope thats simply left to the judgment of the ref and its never made to be where if the same call occurs a specified number of times its automatic stalling on the top wrestler. The top wrestler may be wrestling hard and still end up in that situation. Its highly common to trap an arm. Its also common for the bottom mans arm to be trapped prior to him standing to his feet. Whats the top man suppose to do then? Release him and hope he can re-position, allow the wrestlers arm to be untrapped, and still hold onto him without giving up an escape? The bottom man could just as easily use it escape tough situations as the top man. Its difficult to say a man standing to his feet from bottom is stalling though.

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Re: Potentially dangerous rule from rear standing position

Postby guard0544 » Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:25 pm

Note: If the referee feels the defensive wrestler is intentionally forcing his arm
under the rear standing wrestler's arm to have the matched stopped, the
referee shall penalize the defensive wrestler with "Unsportsmanlike
Dr. Bill Welker
Rules Interpreter

That helps. The ref is going to be able to tell if the top, or bottom, wrestler is intentionally doing something to repeatedly get out of a situation.

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Re: Potentially dangerous rule from rear standing position

Postby Sally » Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:46 pm

No the referee will not be able to determine the wrestler's intention. The referee will be able to see 1 or 2 arms trapped. I saw this new rule applied many times opening weekend and I think it's more helpful than harmful.
I also saw a young man taken down from neutral position with unnecessary force and no slam was called. Wrestler A had wrestler B up in the air on his shoulder and returned wrestler B unsafely. My interpretation of unnecessary force and the official's were not the same.

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