To do this we need to have pride in the fact we do things correctly. This starts with Running the State tournament series (ie Regionals and State) to the letter of the law. We all remember last years fiasco with State and the skin issues. Some weight classes get to wrestle weeks later, but the same day some kids with a dr letter are forced to forfeit.
In the Past fairmont regional, teams came in late after weigh ins were over and still got to weigh in. Now this year they have two different scales. One that is dead on and another from a local school that is 1.5-2.0 light. There were many kids that would have not come close to making weight without that scale. Including some #1 and other top seeds, including kids from the school who owned the scale. Referee even stated scale is 1.5 light. Then they tell kids yesterday they are using correct scale today. So kids watch weight all night to make correct weight today. Guess what..... light scale used again. I agree it should be used both days at this point. But it should have never been used in the first place. This isn’t fair to the other Regionals that had proper scales. It isn’t fair to the kids that didn’t know about the extra allowance.
Is this not part of the State Tournament? Why should approximately 20 kids who would not have made weight get almost a 2lb allowance that other wrestlers didn’t get. A few of the county school coaches knew about the scale and said they knew that they could make weight on it. This is why people feel like there’s home cooking when they go to certain schools. This morning two schools show up late to weigh ins. The first school just makes it on the scale. The second school shows up way later. They not only get to weigh in but no one performed a skin check on them either.
We have State Rules for a reason. They should be followed not done how the tournament feels like following them.
We can do better