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WSAZ Tournament
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:31 pm
by Gator
Coach Archer:
Could you please post a list of teams that are entered in the 2016 WSAZ Tournament?
Thank you!
Re: WSAZ Tournament
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:00 pm
by Bearhugger
I hope all schools with worth while JV wrestlers bring them to the Z's.
We already have a JV guy at Cabell Midland that has beaten a qualifier and a 4th place winner at last season's state tournament.
Re: WSAZ Tournament
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 10:39 am
by aaacoach83
Bearhugger I can't agree with you more on bringing as many JV guys that you can to the WSAZ's. The great thing about wrestling is anyone can win at anytime. You are always one move away from ending the match. That being said, A "JV" kid did not beat a returning placer. Let's be honest.
Re: WSAZ Tournament
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:51 am
by Barcher67
Guys-thanks for your questions.
Any team can bring any 2nd team guy they want.
We do separate 2 but we try to stop 3 from the Same team, because if they meet before finals the parents get up set.
As far as what teams come, who ever as been before is always welcome and I have never turned team down that has asked to enter.
Some team won't come for whatever reason, we let it go. The tournament was set up so whole school programs varsity, JV and Middle School could come and wrestle at less for now, at the state tournament site.
As far as l know, Logan Grass is the only one to win all 7 years.
I don't set the reason or money they give at for the state. You can check their web site for how they do all sports.
It is determined by how many they bring to state tournament, how far they drive and if they have to spend the night.
Bill Archer
Re: WSAZ Tournament
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:47 pm
by Bearhugger
The CM kid at the Pat Vance was listed as JV on the bracket. I also see him as being ranked in another weight class.
In the past five years, there have been at least two wrestlers come off the bench and place 2nd and 4th at the state tournament when the starters left the teams.
Re: WSAZ Tournament
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:11 pm
by Gator
Getting back to the original you have a list of teams Coach Archer? Would like to look at possible match ups. Thanks!
Re: WSAZ Tournament
Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:37 pm
by Barcher67
Getting back to original question. I answered your question. The same teams are invited as last year if they enter again this year you will see it after the seeding meeting on Sunday.
Re: WSAZ Tournament
Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 11:29 pm
by Gator
Thanks Bill but I was looking for the new team or teams since it's been rumored that a masked 195 lbr will make an appearance.

Re: WSAZ Tournament
Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 11:47 pm
by Bearhugger
I saw a 195 pounder today who is back after a year on sabbatical. No mask but he has a skull cap.
Re: WSAZ Tournament
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:15 am
by guard0544
Bearhugger wrote:I saw a 195 pounder today who is back after a year on sabbatical. No mask but he has a skull cap.
Saw on results he pinned the current #8 ranked wrestler from University.
Re: WSAZ Tournament
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:30 pm
by Bearhugger
"Parts Unknown" has a good pee wee program.
Re: WSAZ Tournament
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:15 pm
by surprise195
It could also come from having a GATA( if u have to google it lol) attitude and being a 3 sport athlete with the mind set of wanting to win.