Reporting of Scores

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Reporting of Scores

Postby Bearhugger » Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:56 pm

We have two kinds of scores.

The good ones allow us to click on a link and see the weight class results details.

The bad ones have no detail, nothing to click on and they simply list the two schools names and their corresponding scores.

Why does this happen? Is the lack of detail due to the school not submitting anything more than the team scores?

In this current state of high forfeits and low matches, the team scores mean little.
The state tournament qualification process needs to be improved first and foremost.

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Re: Reporting of Scores

Postby aaacoach2 » Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:24 pm

My guess is there are many reasons. I compiled all the scores for the grapple at the castle. My biggest problem is deciphering the hand written score sheets. the team score is usually easy, but the individual matches are sometimes difficult to read.

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Re: Reporting of Scores

Postby Sally » Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:16 am

Doc has a link on the main page if you scroll down a little, "Attention Coaches and Fans: Submit Match Results".
People may also email Doc their scores and he gets them up very quickly.

If coaches or fans feel compelled to enter the complete match results you may click and read. If they do not feel the need to they simply enter the team scores. If they feel neither they do not submit anything.

Just think what it would be like if we did not have WVMAT. :(

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Re: Reporting of Scores

Postby aaacoach6 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:24 am

Some without detail are also submitted by coaches or fans not involved with either team but whom were at the event and are trying to supply some information which is better than none at all.

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