WVYWA Middle School and 12U

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WVYWA Middle School and 12U

Postby WVYWA » Fri Feb 10, 2017 2:31 pm

The West Virginia Youth Wrestling Association (“WVYWA”) appreciates the feedback on the rule as it relates to Seventh and Eighth Graders. The rule change was vigorously debated by the Region Chairs prior to adoption at multiple meetings. The change to the rule is meant to foster the WVYWA’s two overarching goals. First, to improve the sport of wrestling in West Virginia. Second, to prepare our youth wrestlers for high school wrestling. After the first year of the WVYWA, considerable feedback was received related to wrestlers who competed in middle school with nightly practices throughout the season that then dropped down to wrestle the 11/12 division at the WVYWA State Championships. A considerable number of parents and coaches felt and feel that this was a significant advantage to the wrestlers who had middle school coaching and practicing. There was also concern over the ability of 12 year old seventh graders participating on a middle school team to attend a qualifying tournament to establish a base weight for the 11/12 division. Given that wrestlers competing in 9th grade will have to compete against sophomores, juniors and seniors in high school, the rule change was an effort to alleviate the concerns of these coaches and parents, balance competition, and provide a transition from age based divisions in youth wrestling to a singular grade based division (high school). With that said, the WVYWA recognizes the various desires and abilities of the various youth wrestlers and families in the State of West Virginia and will strive to provide responsive decisions and action when necessary to facilitate the sport of wrestling in West Virginia. Although the BOD stands behind the rule changed debated and passed and recommends all 7th and 8th graders wrestle in the middle school division, the BOD desires to alleviate any concern West Virginia parents and wrestlers may have related to this rule change. As such, any wrestler that has been effected by this rule and that is otherwise eligible to wrestle the 11/12 division shall be permitted to do so regardless of grade.

Wrestlers desiring to compete in the 11/12 division must still establish their base weight. This can be done a couple of ways. First, through a qualifying tournament held during the season. Second, the wrestler can contact their Region Chair to arrange a date and time to establish base weight in accordance with WVYWA Rules found on www.wvmat.com. Last, arrangements are being made for certain member tournaments the week of February 18 and 19 to record base weights for wrestlers. The Brooke Cubs 4th Annual Hannah Mozingo Memorial Tournament and Tony Williams Memorial Tournament in Grafton will both be available to establish base weights. The WVYWA is trying to obtain permission for other tournaments in the State that weekend to record base weights as well. Please check the WVYWA Facebook site to see if more tournaments become available to establish base weights. Finally, the Regional Entry forms will be updated on www.wvmat.com to reflect this change.

Thank you for the feedback and the continued support.

West Virginia Youth Wrestling Association Board of Directors

Region I. Todd Shelak – Wheeling Wrestling;
Region II. Chuck Satterfield – East Fairmont Youth Wrestling;
Region III. Anthony Realbuto – Iron Eagles;
Region IV. Tim Casto – Braxton County Youth Wrestling;
Region V. Vint Eden – The Hill Youth Wrestling;
Region IV. Jason Andrick – Knights (Point Pleasant) Youth Wrestling Club.

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